non-profits of the desert southwest
5% of all sales are donated to a rotation of regional non-profits dedicated to environmental conservation, education and advocacy. When you support Coyote Crafted, you also are helping protect and preserve the land, water and cultures of the desert southwest.
Canyonlands field institute
This quarter’s non-profit:
MISSION: Canyonlands Field Institute provides quality outdoor education on the Colorado Plateau to inspire care of wild places and renew the human spirit.
They offer many different place-based outdoor programs, including the:
Native Teen Guide in Training Program: This camp was developed to invest in Native-Centered Teen programming for rising 8th-12th graders through place-based outdoor education, social-emotional learning curriculum, as well as to provide accessible pathways for Native Teens to learn about guiding and natural resource career opportunities.
WEBSITE: cfimoab.org
colorado plateau foundation
Last quarter’s non-profit:
“Colorado Plateau Foundation connects the philanthropic community to on-the-ground initiatives by growing a sustainable supply of resources and giving grants that enhance the work of Native-led organizations on the Plateau. Their brand of philanthropy is grounded in informed cultural, social, economic, and political outlooks as well as earnest comprehensive evaluation. The Colorado Plateau Foundation staff lives where they serve and are committed to supporting Plateau communities in perpetuity.”
VISION: “The Colorado Plateau Foundation envisions a philanthropic community that is committed to supporting Native-led organizations creating movements and momentum in their communities.”
Native peoples on the Colorado Plateau are capable of accomplishing sophisticated and positive change to protect the Plateau environment and cultures.
Protection of the Plateau’s environment and cultures must be accomplished by addressing asymmetrical power dynamics at all levels of influence and authority.
Previous quarter’s non-profit:
MISSION: To make place-based science accessible to all.
VISION: “We envision communities across the Colorado Plateau thriving from a deeper engagement with science and place-based knowledge.”
Website: sciencemoab.org
Podcast: Science Moab on Spotify
Instagram: @sciencemoab